julio Soto | | | |
Update Julio is now in WCI
Julio Soto today, 34 year old |
Julio A.Soto
An introduction of my life and life inside
prison walls
name is Julio A Soto my DOC number is 578152, 1 am 30 years old and would like
for whoever reads this to see inside the life of Julio A. Soto(me) and the
struggles of being inside these walls. I am currently in prison for the
following charges-1ST. degree reckless injury-domestic abuse and use of
dangerous weapon-aggravated battery, also revocation for take and drive without
owners consent/flee and elude officer. I highly regret these crimes I’ve committed
and am very sorry towards the victims i've hurt in the process and actions of
my crimes.
Before my incarceration I was involved in the street life and gangs was
my family and way of life for me as I felt like my family didn’t want me, i was
adopted at the age of 6 months old by my grandparents and always felt like the
ugly duckling in the household and was never treated equally and always was
getting beat, also was sexually molested by my neighbor multiple times and
until now I was afraid to speak up about this situation and afraid of people judging
me for what happen to me.
all of these events lead me to the street life to have and make my own family,
and later on the gang i thought was family ended up getting me shot 3 times
that nearly killed me, later on i met this girl and ended up having my first
born baby girl, I was nervous, excited and scared at the same time,
yet for some odd reason the street life kept sucking me back in, i was selfish
and wasn’t really there for my daughter or my girlfriend- mother of my daughter,
Also years down the road I got a phone call from my daughters mother telling me
that she walk in on her younger brother sexually molesting my daughter, my
daughter was only 4 years old that phone call made my world crash all around
me, I had no one 1 could talk to and i didn’t know what to do! A couple weeks
later I was still struggling with what happen to my baby girl as I know exactly
how she was feeling as I myself was sexually molested at a very young age, at
this time i was with another woman she was not supportive towards my situation
at all I then turned to drugs and alcohol, one thing lead to another and 1
almost ended up taking her life for something she had nothing to do with, she
didn’t deserve what i did to her and till this day i highly regret what i did
to her and am sorry this crime lead me to my current incarceration.
Incarceration: I've been in prison for seven years now and get out on 05/11
/2023, i've done 7 years straight in Green Bay Correctional Institution, And
being in that prison was a nightmare, its corruption keeps on building till
this day. The staff members in G B C I are corrupt and come to work to treat
inmates like shit, like animals in a cage. I've seen correctional officers
disrespect inmates by calling them names including the "N" word and
calling us inmates Bitches, and other names that degrade people. Then when an
inmate snaps back- then we the inmates, are the bad people. And then when
things are reported all the community sees or hears on the news is "correctional
officer was attacked by inmate”? but yet no one on the news or media or even
the warden of the institution, they never say or explain to the community what
lead to the inmate attacking an officer, or how the officer provoked the inmate
to attack him/her, no one out in the community ever gets the full story on what
lead to what and thàt’s not right!...
And in
my time being in prison i've witnessed numerous confrontations with inmate and
officer and other officers would jump in and beat the inmate trying to so
called stop the inmate, instead of the officers use excessive force and that is
not following their protocol, so the other officers jumped in started attacking
the inmate by punching him and spraying a whole can of pepper spray in his face
this is also not right, but yet the inmate gets placed in segregation/ ac- administrative
confinement, and all the officer gets is a talking to and a pat on the back. So
everything is always the inmate’s fault.
I was at Greenbay Correctional GBCI) i've even heard and seen staff members
bringing in drugs and having sexual contact with inmates, yet when the staff
member gets caught, then again it’s the inmates fault... People out in the
community do not realize what goes on inside these prison walls, In the prisons
inmate handbook it states ..words from the warden:that we inmates have been
sent here (prison), removed from our family and loved ones as punishment for a
crime we've committed, (BUT) are not to be
punished by the staff-officers in the institution, now that right there
is false because there’s officers that go out of their way to provoke us
inmates any way they can! And that should not be allowed for any reason.. .Correctional
officers are here to make sure that the prison operates smoothly and safely and
to make sure that the inmates are safe as well, and from my experience that’s
there are staff members that follow their exact "DOC" rules and don’t
go out their way to provoke us inmates, and those officers i respect, so as for
my experience at G.B.C.I ,its just a big corruption center and all the news and
prison staff say is that G.B.C.I has a big safety issue because of the inmates,
because in my stay in that prison for the past 7 years those allegations are
false, its staff provoking inmates!
As of
right now i am currently in Oshkosh Correctional Institution, after doing 7
years in a max setting and now am in a medium setting it’s a very big change
for me. Still it seems no matter what prison i’m in officers/staff always seem
to be power tripping in other words abusing their authority,and even here in an
edge off a max prison setting this medium setting is still like a max because
officers here try and provoke us inmates in any way they can, they've tryed to
provoke me a couple times here at O.S.C.I. a officer that got lippy with me I asked
for their name and was told to come get it as she did not have her ID exposed
but yet inmates are expected to have their ID displayed at all times but
according to staff rules so are they. So in all my time being in prison Id say
15% of staff members/officers are good and treat us like humans and with
respect, the rest ae just corrupt!
upon arriving here at OSCI, I was placed
in X- building which from what i was
told by staff that X-building is where inmates get placed when they first get
here, So from my experience in X-building its highly unsanitary and is not a
safe building to be in health wise and safety, Its just a big warehouse split
into to four quads a,b,c and d quad its full of bunk beds and the ceiling is
exposed insulation that falls here and there on people while sleeping or just
out of no here the bunks will have insulation particles on it which i know is
not healthy the insulation that falls on the hunks and on people is full of
built up dust and is also a safety hazard, there’s no ventilation in X-building
and there is no sprinkler systems in that building at all, and everyone that
has been in X-building including myself has had sinus issues/allergies and/or
sinus infections do to the insulation and no ventilation, and to make it even
worse the bathrooms in that building are horrible and the bathroom stalls/toilet
stalls are full of rust and un-explained grime which is also a health hazard,
and the stalls are short where the person next to you can see you just by
turning you head over to to the side that’s the only unit (X-building) that has
toilet stalls like that, Its crazy because the unit managers office is
perfectly fine and looks like a normal office including the social workers off
but yet the rest of the building is disgusting how
is that right, that building also has a bug issue
spiders, ants flies thats unsanitary. I've brought these concerns up to the unit
managers Mrs. Sabel and all i was told by her is that she keeps in touch with maintenance
on these issues but yet i was in that building for 10 weeks and all that was
done was there spider issue was taken care of but nothing else. X-BUILDING in
this prison O.S.C.I is unsafe and unhealthy and should be checked out by an outside
health and safety inspector that has no connections to this prison. Now i am
currently in a different building and its way better and cleaner but yet there’s
always a hiccup, PSU-Psychology always takes a long time -2 weeks or better -to
see an inmate for a slip they put in, like my self-i put in a slip to speak to psychology
staff about some mental issues i am having and it’s been two weeks already and
still haven’t been seen so i stop taking my meds and eating in order to get
their attention but yet nothing, so i think that psychology here don’t care
about the inmates at all and when i go to the officers with my mental concerns
they just tell me to fill out a PSU slip which ive done twice, mind you that i
was diagnosed with PTSD, ANXIETY,DEPRESSION and BIPOLAR these are serious thing
but yet this place don’t care!
So this
is the struggle l’ve been going through for the past 7 years and on top of that
my situation with family hasn’t been good at all as most of my family turned
their backs on me and the only family i speak to now is my kids and their
mothers that we try and keep a good co-parenting relationship, Everything i
have now is items i bought with my own money that i got locked up with and now
i have no funds to help myself out -my tablet broke and am hoping that someone
can bless me with a new tablet as right now it is a real struggle with no one
helping me financially and that $4.00 that state gives me for being in prison
gets taken at 60% so i’m left with $1.80 to get soap to wash myself up, its not
easy in prison and I am a very talented artist but not having
the things that i need for art or the funds to get
art supplies makes it difficult to do my art, but also having a tablet really
helps me cope with my nightmares of what happen to my daughter and also what
happen to me as a child, listening to music and reading books on the tablet can
really help a person with PTSD etc. like myself be calm and relaxed my old
tablet broke and had to dispose of it and now am waiting to see if some can
please bless me with a new one, before I end the current letter i want to thank
Peggy SWAN for being a very good inspirational friend that has helped me be
strong and provided me with some stamps to keep in contact with my kids, I
asked of those who do go through Peggy for the stamp program to please be
honest about their indigency as there are others out here that can really use
the stamps that truly need the stamps to write family, Peggy is
a good person with a good heart and request that
people do not take advantage of her kindness, I thank you all for reading and
hope that you all understand my and others struggles as inmates are capable of
changing like myself, ive changed my ways for a better positive future.
Thank you all for reading and have a blessed day.
Sincerely; Julio A.Soto
Waupun Correctional Institution
PO Box 190
Phoenix MD 21131